Demand for the Alkaline Zinc Plating is increasing constantly, due to its maximum corrosion resistance on the metal part surfaces used for industrial applications, bright zinc plating on the wide current and being more economical than other methods. Our facility responds to automotive and general fasteners industry demands with a capacity of Alkaline Zinc Rack Plating 40 tons per day and Alkaline Zinc Iron Barrel Plating 35 tons per day. These systems that serve to obtain environmentally friendly clean surfaces, do not contain cyanide and harmful materials for the water. 100% homogeneous coating is provided thanks to the coating thickness distribution formula. Problems such as packness and residue that may occur in parts with complex shapes and blistering are not seen here. Also, it perfectly coats fractures and pores if they exist on metal surfaces. For efficient and long-lasting reliable corrosion protection, we also offer various lacquer and passivation options that can be applied over the zinc coating. Every work we do is analyzed and recorded in our laboratories, constantly.